Saturday 2 April 2016


Hai everyone!!!

Today we would like to share about optimization of radiation protection. 
Did you have any idea about this?
why do we need Optimization of radiation protection?

Optimisation can be stated as '..a process or method used to make a system of protection as effective as possible within the given criteria and constraints..'. With respect to Radiation Protection the ICRP 60 basically states 'consider how best to use resources in reducing radiation risks to individuals and populations' .

 it usually applied at two levels which are :

  • The design and construction of equipment and installations
  •  Daily procedure...

Bear in mind that reducing the patient dose may reduce the quantity as well as the quality of the information provided by the examination or may require important extra resources

The optimization means doses should be “as low as reasonably achievable, economic and social factors being taken into account" compatible with achieving the required objective.

Three ways to optimize radiation are:
  • Time
  • Shielding
  • Distance

We hope this entry give you a some information on optimization radiation protection.

see u on next entry with more interesting topic..
thank you :)


  1. Good information.Thanks for sharing

  2. Glad to hear that. Dont forget to read our new entry :)
